Teaching and learning
- Lessons learned from Rails Girls and why we really do need more women in tech
- Saving bear cubs in Cataclysm - or - the story of why e-learning needs game designers
- Improving student engagement with game mechanics and a smart progress bar
- Helping people find answers
- The problem with workshops
- What does "I don't have time to try this" really mean?
Mobile technologies and trends
- Having Fun and Getting Fit: An Overview of Exergames
- 14 great tools for teaching, learning and collaboration
- Facebook News Feed and Social Games: How to Manage the Spam?
- Second Life isn't dead, but it's a niche
- How I found great chocolate in Brussels and glimpsed the flame of hope
- Why I write at least 750 words a day
- My grandpa is a blogger and doesn't even know it
- Musings on the importance of speaking English
Note: This is just an archive post. The blog has moved to a new home at blog.ialja.com, where you will also find a copy of the entire blog.